The Halves of the Decade

The decade
was made
for this mind
to decline.

Almost ten years taken,
to recover
from an existence
that is broken.

I spent the first dawn in the dark;
the sun stuttered
by the carving of a bleeding cross
drowning it out.
If it weren’t for the faces
barely there in the shadows,
whispering cries
and murmuring love,
the drops down the arm
would have almost snuffed it out.

I managed to stumble blindly,
still holding the sun hostage,
seeking out solace
in voices
I could barely hear.

Halfway through the decade,
And the voices convince me
To let go of the sun,
Just for a bit.
I loosen my grip,
and then in the penumbra
I see something new.
Beyond the living nightmares,
Something glows.
a chance.

I run for it,
and screaming
until I found myself
somewhere else.

The voices followed,
distant now,
mixed in with the new ones.
I let go a little more,
shed the light.
I’m surrounded
by faces
that look like mine.
but smiling
and genuine.
They’ve taken me in.
They’re like the others,
now shouting cries
and hollering love.

Another half a decade
and I learned to be like them.

The drops never stopped
and now the sun is weak.
I’ll never let it go,
but I’ve all but done so.

It’ll sit on my shoulder
So when the next ten years
brings tens of thousands more
like me
like us
there’s some light left from before.
and something, someone to trust.
