OCtober Day 25: Dick (Charles-Antoine Chevrier)

The Nosferatu hub of Canada was buried under the earth, not far from the edge of Quebec. It consisted of a complex network of warrens. They stretched far, connecting to the sewer systems of several big cities. I’d spent a good few years cultivating my relationship with the supernatural, masquerading as a changeling along the way. At one point I managed to stumble across something called the ‘SchreckNet’. Apparently a computer network for the kindred, if I wanted access I’d be wise to seek out one of the current heads of maintenance. At the time, Richard 'Dick' Harden was my closest bet. Having recognised the name from an online content creator, I decided to follow through on him. Upon reaching the warrens, one of their kind came to guide me through the passages.

Before seeking out Dick, I made sure to follow protocol and sought out the baron first. My guide led me on through the affectionately named ‘throne room’. Upon a grand chair cobbled together from scrap metal sat a glamorous woman. Half of her looked fairly normal. Flowing ginger hair, soft pale skin and a dull green eye. She wore an off colour green cocktail dress with some nicely polished jewellery. The half looked as though she’d been caught in a fire. The hair was thin, losing colour and falling out. Her mouth was rotting away, exposing sharp teeth. The other eye was a milky white, popping out of the socket. One had long nails, and the other elongated fingers with claws. Something about her seemed strangely familiar.

“Elisabeth LaFlamme darling, charmed I’m sure” the woman purred, breaking the silence.

That name clicked it into place. My jaw drops.

“I hope this isn't rude of me, but...are you the same Elisabeth from that tv show, what was it...I Married a Lumberjack?”

Her odd eye twitches and she smiles.

“Finally, someone with taste around here. Tis how I met my childe, Charles. He worked the cameras, but oh was he a sweetheart. I do feel bad for abandoning him after my badly timed embrace” Elisabeth sighs. “Oh but how rude of me, I assume you seek permission to operate in my warrens, yes?”

“That would be correct. I’m hoping to speak to a man by the name of Dick, username DickHard420?”

“Ah yes, that would in fact be Charles. Why he chooses to use that vulgar moniker I will never understand” she moans. The lady comes off her junk throne to stand before me. “I shall escort you to him, just in case one of the fledgelings gets a little bitey”

She strolls on down one of the narrow corridors, and I trail behind. Through dim light we move, illuminated vaguely by lanterns and the glowing eyes of hungry kindred. Before long, we come to a door at the end of the corridor. Unlike the others coming off their hinges, this one has been sealed tight into the dug-out room. Elisabeth knocks gently.

“Charles, darling, you have a guest”

“Oh, uh, one sec!”

There’s a clattering of objects on the other side, and some rustling of clothes. Eventually, the door creaks open.

“Uh...feel free to come in” 

Elisabeth turns to me.

“I shall leave you to it. Charles is a well behaved boy, but do scream if you need any help”

She drifts away, and I cautiously enter the den. As I do, my eyes are struck by the sudden brightness. I stumble around blind for a moment.

Je suis désolé, um, let me just…”

There’s a clacking of keys, and some of the lights dim. It takes a second for me to adjust before I can properly take in my surroundings. Dirt walls and dirt floors, much like the rest of the warrens. However, this den is highly decorated in comparison. Double the neon lights, plentiful posters and a shrine of figurines. Dick himself sat at a desk with an impressive, hand built computer. By him is a mask I recognised from his videos; dark grey, full face covering, and glowing emotive eyes. 

Dick himself had on just a black, unzipped hoodie, grey joggers and a pair of headphones around the neck. Online he usually kept himself covered up, so it was rather a shock to see him in the flesh. His skin reminds me of a gravestone, tinged in a blueish grey, riddled with hundreds of freckles, like specks of dirt. He had the trademark nosferatu ears, long and pointy. Goldenrod eyes burned against the black sclera. That smooth, bald head of his though did not age Dick much; a blessing of the blood curse he carries.

“Ugly, right? You don’t have to sugarcoat” Dick chuckles. There’s a melancholy tone to his voice. Whilst he spoke, I saw the glinting of fangs. 

“Not at all. I’ve only seen you online, so I suppose that’s what I’m used to” I replied, trying to reassure him.

“Oh, right. Not exactly how I pictured myself getting famous, but it’s been good"

"Not the same as the tv business huh" 

Dick looks flustered. 

"How do you know about that!?" 

"Apologies, your sire brought that up, said you worked the cameras that's all" 

He lets out a sigh and slumps back in his chair. 

"I guess she was being nice, not telling you the whole story" 

"You don't have to tell me the rest if you don't want to, we can just do business and I'll be on my way" 

"Nah, it's nice to talk to someone about this. I get a bit lonely sometimes. What is it you wanted first?" 

"I was told you're the one to talk to about getting on this SchreckNet thing" I explain, getting my phone out.

"Oh sure, why not, hand it here. Won't take a minute" 

I hand it over, and the nosferatu turns on his computer. He works quickly, but still makes time for conversation. 

"So, yeah, you might've seen me credited on that sitcom under Charles-Antoine Chevrier as crew, but truth be told I'd originally auditioned for an acting role" he begins as he tinkers. "It's been a long, unlucky road. Moved all the way to Toronto, quit my job and everything. Promised my old boss I'd fly him out to set some day. Needless to say, that never happened" 

Dick hands me back the phone. 

"Have a play with it, make sure it works. Anyway, after Ms.LaFlamme disappeared the show got cancelled, which is a shame cuz she was gonna try and help me get a part" he continues to ramble as I fumble about, intentionally taking longer so he can finish. 

"Ended up going home to find my old boss had passed away from sickness. That's where I got my current name from by the way. I was gonna reopen his repair business but wouldn't you know, Ms.LaFlamme found me, and offered me to join her in being one of these guys. Had nothing else to lose, so fuck it. Few years down the line, and some catching up with the modern tech and here I am " Dick finally concludes. His somber tone appears to have picked up a little, a shy smile on his face. 

"Sounds like you've lived quite the life. Everything works by the way"

"That's good. I probably shouldn't keep you, must be getting late for a non kindred" 

"I suppose you're right, thank you for the help. How should I pay you back for this? " I say, reaching for my wallet. 

He lifts up a grey hand to stop me. 

"Don't worry about it. Consider the company enough"
